The 5 SOLID principles explained to developers

Code reviews are one of the tools used by developers to find problems as early as possible. However, it is complicated to identify those related to SOLID principles if you don't know what to look for. So, instead of offering you yet another article that just defines the principles, I propose to show you how […]

Introduction to Syscalls

  The Linux kernel conveniently hides a lot of things from the user, including the standard libraries, and system calls.   Have you ever wondered what happens when the command echo "hello" is entered in a terminal? Let’s try it: The string hello is displayed! 🎉🎉 But wait, how does that happen? In this introduction post, we […]

FIDÉIDES 2022: Finalist in the ''HR - Best Practices'' category

Solutions Kumojin is very proud to share with you its nomination in the finalists of the #FIDÉIDES 2022 organized by the CCIQ Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Québec. Nominated in the category ''#HR - Best #practices'', we are very proud to have been able to put forward our great practices and to be recognized […]

"Comment maîtriser Git et produire de beaux «commits»"

Web à Quebec Julien Maitrehenry, vous savez c'est notre #ceo chez Solutions Kumojin ⛩, mais c'est aussi un développeur aguerri et un amoureux du #Devops. Il adore jaser, partager et échanger avec nos communautés 😜 Il vous donne rendez-vous le 25 mai prochain au #WAQ 👩‍💻🧑‍💻 afin d'aborder #git par la pratique et démontrer comment […]


A pragmatic and efficient approach Deploying by following DevOps practices helps to minimize future issues. A solid DevOps foundation provides developers with necessary methods and tools for efficient application design and continuous maintenance. It includes efficient development practices, a method for validating changes, CI / CD pipelines, infrastructure as code, telemetry and alerts, to name […]

Anatomy of a Go app with a clean architecture

In this article, Lukasz explains how we implement a “clean” architecture in our backend applications written in Go. In particular, we see how business logic can be isolated, decoupled from physical storage and reused regardless of the process. the business is exposed to customers.